The unique duotone design allows you to create a site that perfectly reflects your brand. Select any two colors and watch as the template transforms any black and white images to match the colour scheme of your choice. This makes it particularly easy to set your site up with stock photography, automatically adapted to your color scheme.

Duo has been designed with responsive design in mind, ensuring that your website looks stunning on any device, be it a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. And with CMS support, you can easily manage your content, keeping your customers engaged with fresh, relevant information.

The template also comes with a fully customizable contact page, making it easy for your customers to get in touch with you.

So why wait? Try Framer today and see for yourself just how easy it can be to create a stunning, responsive website that looks great on any device - with no coding required. With Duo, you'll have everything you need to take your online presence to the next level!

The unique duotone design allows you to create a site that perfectly reflects your brand. Select any two colors and watch as the template transforms any black and white images to match the colour scheme of your choice. This makes it particularly easy to set your site up with stock photography, automatically adapted to your color scheme.

Duo has been designed with responsive design in mind, ensuring that your website looks stunning on any device, be it a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. And with CMS support, you can easily manage your content, keeping your customers engaged with fresh, relevant information.

The template also comes with a fully customizable contact page, making it easy for your customers to get in touch with you.

So why wait? Try Framer today and see for yourself just how easy it can be to create a stunning, responsive website that looks great on any device - with no coding required. With Duo, you'll have everything you need to take your online presence to the next level!

The unique duotone design allows you to create a site that perfectly reflects your brand. Select any two colors and watch as the template transforms any black and white images to match the colour scheme of your choice. This makes it particularly easy to set your site up with stock photography, automatically adapted to your color scheme.

Duo has been designed with responsive design in mind, ensuring that your website looks stunning on any device, be it a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. And with CMS support, you can easily manage your content, keeping your customers engaged with fresh, relevant information.

The template also comes with a fully customizable contact page, making it easy for your customers to get in touch with you.

So why wait? Try Framer today and see for yourself just how easy it can be to create a stunning, responsive website that looks great on any device - with no coding required. With Duo, you'll have everything you need to take your online presence to the next level!


Scroll Effects
Scroll Effects
Scroll Effects
Content Management System (CMS)
Content Management System (CMS)
Content Management System (CMS)







Landing Page, Splash Page, Startup

Published June 19, 2023

Cédric Moore

Cédric Moore

Cédric Moore


Samar Jamil


Samar Jamil


Samar Jamil

Designed By Paul

Designed By Paul

Designed By Paul

Andrea Montini

Andrea Montini

Andrea Montini

Ucas Templates

Ucas Templates

Ucas Templates




Dan Marek

Dan Marek

Dan Marek