Sami, a purpose-built Framer template catering to Blogs & Newsletters, offers a seamless and intuitive navigation experience with its minimalist nav and category filters. Encouraging readers to stay updated on your latest articles and captivating potential subscribers with your exceptional work, it presents a sharp and detailed design that prioritizes simplicity.

The tastefully contrasting accents complement grid layouts, subtle graphics, and patterns, culminating in a clean and user-friendly encounter that will surely delight site visitors. The template also incorporates subtle animations, thoughtfully enhancing site navigation without overwhelming users (and easily switchable for a more static design). Additionally, it comes equipped with a pre-styled subscription form that smoothly integrates with Mailchimp, Loops, FormsSpark, and Get waitlist, simplifying the process of building your subscriber base.

The design is sharp and minimalist, with a focus on details. The contrasting accents are used alongside grid layouts, subtle graphics and patterns to create a clean and straightforward experience that your site visitors will adore. The very subtle animations are set up to enhance the site navigation but not overwhelm (and can be easy switched off for a more static design)

The template contains an already styled subscription form that integrates with one single ID field into Mailchimp, Loops, FormsSpark and Get waitlist.

The template includes five publish-ready pages:

Home page - Latest articles, category overview, social proof (logos & testimonials), and subscription CTA.

About page - Writer's background overview, latest articles, social proof, and blog category filters.

Blog page - Dynamic CMS with category filters and preset fields, including article overview.

Category pages - In-page filter bar for smooth navigation between categories.

Individual article page - Article content display, subscription section, and category filter bar for easy navigation within the same category.

Sami, a purpose-built Framer template catering to Blogs & Newsletters, offers a seamless and intuitive navigation experience with its minimalist nav and category filters. Encouraging readers to stay updated on your latest articles and captivating potential subscribers with your exceptional work, it presents a sharp and detailed design that prioritizes simplicity.

The tastefully contrasting accents complement grid layouts, subtle graphics, and patterns, culminating in a clean and user-friendly encounter that will surely delight site visitors. The template also incorporates subtle animations, thoughtfully enhancing site navigation without overwhelming users (and easily switchable for a more static design). Additionally, it comes equipped with a pre-styled subscription form that smoothly integrates with Mailchimp, Loops, FormsSpark, and Get waitlist, simplifying the process of building your subscriber base.

The design is sharp and minimalist, with a focus on details. The contrasting accents are used alongside grid layouts, subtle graphics and patterns to create a clean and straightforward experience that your site visitors will adore. The very subtle animations are set up to enhance the site navigation but not overwhelm (and can be easy switched off for a more static design)

The template contains an already styled subscription form that integrates with one single ID field into Mailchimp, Loops, FormsSpark and Get waitlist.

The template includes five publish-ready pages:

Home page - Latest articles, category overview, social proof (logos & testimonials), and subscription CTA.

About page - Writer's background overview, latest articles, social proof, and blog category filters.

Blog page - Dynamic CMS with category filters and preset fields, including article overview.

Category pages - In-page filter bar for smooth navigation between categories.

Individual article page - Article content display, subscription section, and category filter bar for easy navigation within the same category.

Sami, a purpose-built Framer template catering to Blogs & Newsletters, offers a seamless and intuitive navigation experience with its minimalist nav and category filters. Encouraging readers to stay updated on your latest articles and captivating potential subscribers with your exceptional work, it presents a sharp and detailed design that prioritizes simplicity.

The tastefully contrasting accents complement grid layouts, subtle graphics, and patterns, culminating in a clean and user-friendly encounter that will surely delight site visitors. The template also incorporates subtle animations, thoughtfully enhancing site navigation without overwhelming users (and easily switchable for a more static design). Additionally, it comes equipped with a pre-styled subscription form that smoothly integrates with Mailchimp, Loops, FormsSpark, and Get waitlist, simplifying the process of building your subscriber base.

The design is sharp and minimalist, with a focus on details. The contrasting accents are used alongside grid layouts, subtle graphics and patterns to create a clean and straightforward experience that your site visitors will adore. The very subtle animations are set up to enhance the site navigation but not overwhelm (and can be easy switched off for a more static design)

The template contains an already styled subscription form that integrates with one single ID field into Mailchimp, Loops, FormsSpark and Get waitlist.

The template includes five publish-ready pages:

Home page - Latest articles, category overview, social proof (logos & testimonials), and subscription CTA.

About page - Writer's background overview, latest articles, social proof, and blog category filters.

Blog page - Dynamic CMS with category filters and preset fields, including article overview.

Category pages - In-page filter bar for smooth navigation between categories.

Individual article page - Article content display, subscription section, and category filter bar for easy navigation within the same category.


Scroll Effects
Scroll Effects
Scroll Effects
Text Styles
Text Styles
Text Styles
Content Management System (CMS)
Content Management System (CMS)
Content Management System (CMS)



CMS Pages


Blog categories pages

Individual article page


Blog, Landing Page, Entertainment, Podcast, Personal

Published July 20, 2023

Cédric Moore

Cédric Moore

Cédric Moore


Samar Jamil


Samar Jamil


Samar Jamil

Designed By Paul

Designed By Paul

Designed By Paul

Andrea Montini

Andrea Montini

Andrea Montini

Ucas Templates

Ucas Templates

Ucas Templates




Dan Marek

Dan Marek

Dan Marek