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Connelly Rader
Building Framer Templates in my free time. Framer Expert & Contra Top Independent.
9 Templates
Favorit × Frame
Framer Expert Duo Crafting Client Sites and Minimal Templates With a Premium Touch.
8 Templates
1 Plugin
ena supply
Building visually striking, and highly functional Framer sites.
18 Templates
1 Plugin
1 Plugin
An ever-growing design library of stunning sections and templates.
24 Templates
1 Plugin
Explore and search the largest collection of high-quality stock photos from Pixabay—seamlessly integrated into Framer.
Browse the world’s largest collection of free, high-quality stock photos with the Pixabay plugin for Framer. Whether you need eye-catching visuals or the perfect background, Pixabay has you covered.
From breathtaking landscapes to creative abstract shots, Pixabay offers an extensive selection of stock photos to suit any project.
Easily search with keywords to discover the right photo in seconds. With Pixabay’s massive collection, you’ll always find the perfect match for your design.
Elevate your Framer projects with stunning, royalty-free images—all without leaving your workspace.
Adjusted the mode, so now it shows up within the images panel.
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