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Connelly Rader
Building Framer Templates in my free time. Framer Expert & Contra Top Independent.
9 Templates
Favorit × Frame
Framer Expert Duo Crafting Client Sites and Minimal Templates With a Premium Touch.
8 Templates
1 Plugin
ena supply
Building visually striking, and highly functional Framer sites.
18 Templates
1 Plugin
1 Plugin
An ever-growing design library of stunning sections and templates.
24 Templates
1 Plugin
Automatically create styleguides for your website or template. Generate customizable components based on your project styles. Save time and ensure consistency—perfect for designers and brands looking to streamline their workflow.
Create some color & text styles in your project
Open the plugin and choose styles
Insert your styleguide components
Update any existing styleguide component by selecting it and clicking on „Update Styles“ in the plugin. You can customize your styleguide components to match your brands fonts and colors. This plugin supports color and text styles.
See example styleguide here:
Get your licence key here:
Updated component insert UX. Moving and resizing components now only happens if the selected parent frame has layout / dynamic height.
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