Soft Wind is tailor-made for SaaS companies and websites requiring a robust information architecture. Its minimalist and modern design style ensures your products and business are presented online with high quality, bringing you more leads.
Tired of the typical black theme? Experience a highly modern and sophisticated SaaS landing page in white and blue, exuding refined elegance.
Nearly all elements feature well-timed animations, delivering both elegance and speed.
Category Filter Blog List: Easily sort and navigate through blog posts.
Expandable Dropdown Navigation: Multiple styles to fit your needs.
Creative Testimonial Cards: Engaging and unique design.
Dynamic Tab Features: Two types of animated tab feature card styles.
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Connelly Rader
Building Framer Templates in my free time. Framer Expert & Contra Top Independent.
9 Templates
Favorit × Frame
Framer Expert Duo Crafting Client Sites and Minimal Templates With a Premium Touch.
8 Templates
1 Plugin
ena supply
Building visually striking, and highly functional Framer sites.
18 Templates
1 Plugin
1 Plugin
An ever-growing design library of stunning sections and templates.
24 Templates
1 Plugin
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