Premium template for your event. Impressive and smooth animation. Simplicity of the template design, understandable for people of all ages. Large and elegant typography, which helps to quickly orientate on the website. 4 pages for each stage of your event.
Rocio is an RSVP template for your event. It is ideal for wedding reception invitations.
The sleek design is reminiscent of paper invitations, and can be easily customized for your liking.
The template contains all the important sections for your event:
When & Where;
On the Day;
Guest Seating Chart;
Feedback Form.
Change the global settings of your site visual through text and color styles.
If you need to modify the template, you can contact us at
Submit a template or plugin, get featured, and get paid – all in just a few clicks.
Connelly Rader
Building Framer Templates in my free time. Framer Expert & Contra Top Independent.
9 Templates
Favorit × Frame
Framer Expert Duo Crafting Client Sites and Minimal Templates With a Premium Touch.
8 Templates
1 Plugin
ena supply
Building visually striking, and highly functional Framer sites.
18 Templates
1 Plugin
1 Plugin
An ever-growing design library of stunning sections and templates.
24 Templates
1 Plugin