Comparing Developer Features

Framer offers a wide selection of features for Developers to use to extend the functionality of Framer. This page can help you decide how to choose between when to use Code Components, Overrides, Fetch, Plugins, or Custom Page Code.


Plugins are small apps that run within the Editor that can perform programatically perform various tasks and utilise APIs to extend the core features of Framer. Plugins often utilise other features like Components to add functionality to the live website.

  • Insert SVGs and images

  • Sync content into the CMS

  • Edit Layers on the Canvas


Fetch enables you to retrieve data from an API and use it on your Framer site without code. For Developers, this means you can set up endpoints for your team that work great with Fetch and allow your team to utilise the power of API calls from the client.

  • Display live info like weather

  • Adapt site based on location

  • Use your custom endpoints

Code Components

Components in Framer are core to adding interactivity and functionality to your live website. They can be created in Framer with or without Code. Code Components are React components that give you control to render anything within the Component.

  • Adding custom form inputs

  • Rendering a canvas element

  • Displaying animated SVGs

Code Overrides

Code Overrides are React Higher Order Components that can be applied to any Layer on your site. They are often used to override the properties of Layer or Components. Many previous uses for Overrides can now be achieved with Fetch or Components.

  • Adding data attributes

  • Using custom CSS rules

  • Tracking click events

Custom Site Code

Custom Code in your site settings allows you to insert scripts and html at the start or end of the <head> and <body> tag of your site. Custom code and scripts can be added to specific pages or across every page on your published site.

  • Integrate tracking scripts

  • Setup structured data tags

  • Add custom script tags